HTML Marquee Generator
An HTML marquee lets you add scrolling text and images to your website. You can use this HTML marquee generator to create either scrolling text or a scrolling image. Feel free to experiment! To generate an HTML marquee:
- Select the values you need
- Click "Generate Code" (or "Generate Code and Preview")
- Copy & paste the code into the HTML of your web page (or MySpace/Friendster profile page).
<!-- HTML Codes by -->
BalasHapus<style type="text/css">
.html-marquee {height:200px;width:400px;background-color:ffff33;background-image:url(http://);font-family:Arial;font-size:48px;color:000000;font-weight:bold;border-width:4;border-style:double;border-color:ff0000;}
<marquee class="html-marquee" direction="up" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="18" ><img src="http://"> sasasasasa</marquee>