Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

spy earth

HTML Text Box Generator

Creating a text box is easy! You can use this HTML text box generator to create a text box (otherwise known as "textarea" field). To create a text box:
  1. Select the values you need
  2. Click "Generate Code" (or "Generate Code and Preview")
  3. Copy & paste the code to the HTML of your web page.
MySpace users: If you need a comment box for your myspace profile, use the MySpace Comment Box Generator
Text Box

(i.e. http://www.mydomain.com/cgi/formmail.pl)
Choose Color
  [More Colors...]
Choose Color
  [More Colors...]
Choose Color
  [More Colors...]
Button Styles
Choose Color
  [More Colors...]
Choose Color
  [More Colors...]
Generate Code


Generated code:

Copy and paste the following code into the HTML of your webpage:

2 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. '<!-- HTML Codes by Quackit.com -->\n' +
    '<style type="text/css">\n' +
    'textarea.html-text-box {'
    output +=
    ((textareabackgroundcolor) ? 'background-color:' + textareabackgroundcolor + ';' : '') +
    ((backgroundimage) ? 'background-image:url(' + backgroundimage + ');' : '') +
    ((backgroundrepeat) ? 'background-repeat:' + backgroundrepeat + ';' : '') +
    //((backgroundposition) ? 'background-position:' + backgroundposition + ';' : '') +
    ((backgroundattachment) ? 'background-attachment:' + backgroundattachment + ';' : '') +
    ((borderwidth) ? 'border-width:' + borderwidth + ';' : '') +
    ((borderstyle) ? 'border-style:' + borderstyle + ';' : '') +
    ((bordercolor) ? 'border-color:' + bordercolor + ';' : '') +
    ((fontfamily) ? 'font-family:' + fontfamily + ';' : '') +
    ((fontsize) ? 'font-size:' + fontsize + ';' : '') +
    ((textareafontcolor) ? 'color:' + textareafontcolor + ';' : '') +
    '}\n' +

    'input.html-text-box {' +
    ((buttonbackgroundcolor) ? 'background-color:' + buttonbackgroundcolor + ';' : '') +
    ((fontfamily) ? 'font-family:' + fontfamily + ';' : '') +
    ((fontsize) ? 'font-size:' + fontsize + ';' : '') +
    ((buttonfontcolor) ? 'color:' + buttonfontcolor + ';' : '') +
    '}\n' +
    '</style>\n' +

    '<form method="post" action="' + actionpage + '">' +
    '<textarea name="comments" cols="' + textboxwidth + '" rows="' + textboxheight + '" class="html-text-box">' + defaulttext + '</textarea><br>' +
    '<input type="submit" value="' + submitbuttontext + '" class="html-text-box">' + '<input type="reset" value="' + resetbuttontext + '" class="html-text-box">' +
    '</form>' +
