Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

generator kode text

HTML Text Generator

Formatting text in HTML is easy, but this HTML text generator makes it even easier! To use this HTML text generator, do the following:

  1. Select the values you need
  2. Click "Generate Code" (or "Generate Code and Preview")
  3. Copy & paste the code to the HTML of your web page.

Italic Bold
Small Caps
(indents the first line)
Choose Color   [more colors...]
Choose Color   [more colors...]
Generated HTML Code

Copy and paste the following code into a text file and save with a .html or .htm extension.

1 komentar:

  1. '<!-- HTML Codes by Quackit.com -->\n' +

    ((textalign) ? '<p style="text-align:' + textalign + ';">' : '') +

    '<span style="' +
    ((fontfamily) ? 'font-family:' + fontfamily + ';' : '') +
    ((fontsize) ? 'font-size:' + fontsize + ';' : '') +
    ((fontstyle) ? 'font-style:italic' + ';' : 'font-style:normal;') +
    ((fontweight) ? 'font-weight:bold' + ';' : 'font-weight:normal;') +
    ((textdecoration) ? 'text-decoration:' + textdecoration + ';' : '') +
    ((texttransform) ? 'text-transform:' + texttransform + ';' : '') +
    ((fontvariant) ? 'font-variant:small-caps;' : '') +
    ((letterspacing) ? 'letter-spacing:' + letterspacing + 'px;' : '') +
    ((lineheight) ? 'line-height:' + lineheight + 'px;' : '') +
    ((textindent) ? 'text-indent:' + textindent + 'px;' : '') +
    ((fontcolor) ? 'color:' + fontcolor + ';' : '') +
    ((backgroundcolor) ? 'background-color:' + backgroundcolor + ';' : '') +
    '">' +

    textbody +

    '</span>\n' +

    ((textalign) ? '</p>' : '') +
